
Column {data-width=500}

Map of Exposure sites and exposed bus routes

New Cases today

Rows: 16,194
Columns: 7
$ Suburb            <chr> "Aranda", "Aranda", "Aranda", "Aranda", "Aranda", "A~
$ lat               <dbl> -35.25641, -35.25641, -35.25641, -35.25641, -35.2564~
$ lon               <dbl> 149.0788, 149.0788, 149.0788, 149.0788, 149.0788, 14~
$ Exposure.Location <chr> "Two Before Ten Aranda", "Two Before Ten Aranda", "T~
$ Status            <chr> "Previous", "Previous", "Previous", "Previous", "Pre~
$ Contact           <fct> Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, Monitor, Monitor~
$ geometry          <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> MULTIPOLYGON (((149.0772 -3..., MULTIPO~


Table of new cases

Cases, contacts and hotspots

Disclaimer: This work This map shows the covid exposure locations in the ACT and is an unofficial website based on official sources. So if in doubt, refer to the offical website, which has now also an official map included. Supported by Volunteers from the University of Canberra. Contacts: Bernd Gruber [] & Anthony Davidson []

Column {data-width=400}

Map of Exposure sites

This website tracks COVID-19 data and mobility information for the ACT and Canberra using code and data developed in the open source community. This information is only a guide. Please refer to official reports and press releases from government certified resources.

Yesterdays case numbers



This website tracks COVID-19 data and mobility information for the ACT and Canberra using code and data developed in the open source community. This information is only a guide. Please refer to official reports and press releases from government certified resources.
- Government page:
- Data: ACT govt data

ACT vaccine rollout

BRAND NEW and amazing app :) all abc top notch journalism (reproducible and transparent)

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Previous draft

Disclaimer: This map shows the covid exposure locations in the ACT and is an unofficial website based on official sources. So if in doubt, refer to the offical website, which has now also an official map included. Supported by Volunteers from the University of Canberra. Contacts: Bernd Gruber [] & Anthony Davidson []


Map of Exposure sites and exposed bus routes


Table of Exposure sites



<<<<<<< HEAD # Exposure sites per Update

======= >>>>>>> 8bab3ef28d72c1e589573ea230cc4597ca953aaf

title: "Home"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    social: menu
    source_code: embed
      before_body: _header.html
      after_body: _footer.html
      background_image: ".//assets/img/mod_petral.jpg"
#runtime: shiny
# params:
#     lup: "unknown"
  chunk_output_type: console

```{r setup, include=TRUE}
# devtools::install_github("r-spatial/leafem")
# library(leafem)
#latest dataset
tab3 <- read.csv("")
# Aggregate method

cols <- c( "red", "yellow","blue")

addBuses <- FALSE

tab3$Contact <- factor(tab3$Contact,levels=c(  "Close"  , "Casual", "Monitor") )
cc <- as.numeric( tab3$Contact)
ncols <- c("black","cyan")
nn <- as.numeric(factor(tab3$Status))
nn2 <- ifelse(nn==1,nn, 3)

tab3$Date <- substr(tab3$Date,1,10) #ditch day of the week
labs <- paste(tab3$Contact, tab3$Status,tab3$Exposure.Location, tab3$Street, tab3$Suburb, tab3$Date,tab3$Arrival.Time, tab3$Departure.Time, tab3$doubles, sep="
") ############################################### ##plot the map df_shared <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(tab3[,c(1,8,2:7)]) m <- leaflet(df_shared) %>% addTiles() if (addBuses) { #read from shape file busses <- readOGR(dsn = "./bus", layer = "geo_export_69c76e06-1d3f-4619-be3b-b4e5789be8ca", verbose = FALSE) #search all bus lines that are mentioned bindex <- grep("Bus Route", tab3$Exposure.Location) buslanes <- tab3$Exposure.Location[bindex] busnumbers <- gsub("Bus Route ([0-9,A-Z]+) Transport.*","\\1", buslanes) blineindex <- which(busses$short_name %in% busnumbers) blabs <- paste(paste0("Bus route: ", busses$short_name[blineindex])," For bus stops and ","exposure times, please"," search the table." , sep="
") bb <- (busses[blineindex,]) coo <- coordinates(bb) bcols <- colorRampPalette(c("purple", "green"))( length(coo)) for (ib in 1:length(coo)) { cood <- data.frame(coo[[ib]]) m <- m %>% addPolylines(lng=cood[,1], lat=cood[,2], color = bcols[ib], weight = 5, opacity = 0.7, popup = blabs[ib]) } } m <- m %>% addCircleMarkers(lat=tab3$lat, lng=tab3$lon,popup = labs, weight=nn2, fillColor = cols[cc],color=ncols[nn], opacity =0.8, radius = 5 , fillOpacity = 0.8) # , clusterOptions =markerClusterOptions(spiderfyDistanceMultiplier=1.5, # iconCreateFunction=JS("function (cluster) { # # var childCount = cluster.getChildCount(); # # if (childCount < 100) { # c = 'rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5);' # } else if (childCount < 1000) { # c = 'rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5);' # } else { # c = 'rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5);' # } # return new L.DivIcon({ html: '
' + childCount + '
', className: 'marker-cluster', iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40) }); # }")) #) m <- m %>% addLegend("bottomright", labels = levels(tab3$Contact), colors = cols, opacity = 0.8) #################################################### ### add bus lines mentioned # m + addLogo("./assets/img/Capture1.PNG", alpha = 1, src = c("remote", "local"), url, # position = c("topleft", "topright", "bottomleft", "bottomright"), # offset.x = 50, offset.y = 13, width = 60, height = 60) # ``` Current {data-orientation=columns} ===================================== Inputs {.sidebar} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Information Disclaimer: This map shows the covid exposure locations in the ACT and is an **unofficial website** based on [official sources]( So if in doubt, refer to the [offical website](, which has now also an [**official map**]( included. Supported by Volunteers from the University of Canberra. Contacts: Bernd Gruber [] & Anthony Davidson []

### Filter ```{r} bscols( filter_checkbox( id = "contact", label = "Contact", sharedData = df_shared, group = ~Contact, columns = 1 )) bscols( filter_checkbox( id = "status", label = "Status", sharedData = df_shared, group = ~Status, columns = 1 )) bscols( filter_select(id="dates", label="Date",sharedData = df_shared, group=~Date)) bscols( filter_select(id="suburb", label="Suburb",sharedData = df_shared, group=~Suburb)) ``` ```{r} ``` Column {data-width=500}{.tabset} ------------------------------------------------------------ ### Map of Exposure sites and exposed bus routes ```{r} m %>% addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLite") # %>% # addPolygons( # # fill # fillColor = ~pal(water_km2), # fillOpacity = 0.7, # # line # dashArray = "3", # weight = 2, # color = "white", # opacity = 1, # # interaction # highlight = highlightOptions( # weight = 5, # color = "#666", # dashArray = "", # fillOpacity = 0.7, # bringToFront = TRUE)) ``` ### New Cases today ```{r eval = TRUE} ##current dataset.. #import now library(tidyverse) library(ggmap) library(leaflet) library(plotly) library(flexdashboard) library(DT) library(rgdal) library(crosstalk) library(absmapsdata) library(sf) ############very ugly function But should work..... ##ARD sep2021 last_five_days_new <- function(dataList){ #no new sites test tab3 <- read.csv(dataList) cols <- c( "red", "yellow","blue") tab3$Contact <- factor(tab3$Contact,levels=c( "Close" , "Casual", "Monitor") ) cc <- as.numeric( tab3$Contact) ncols <- c("black","cyan") nn <- as.numeric(factor(tab3$Status)) nn2 <- ifelse(nn==1,nn, 3) # glimpse(tab3) tab3$Date <- substr(tab3$Date,1,10) #ditch day of the week labs <- paste(tab3$Contact, tab3$Status,tab3$Exposure.Location, tab3$Street, tab3$Suburb, tab3$Date,tab3$Arrival.Time, tab3$Departure.Time, tab3$doubles, sep="
") dataJoin <- absmapsdata::sa12016 %>% filter(gcc_name_2016 == "Australian Capital Territory") %>% mutate(Suburb = sa2_name_2016) %>% left_join(tab3, by = c("Suburb")) %>% select(Suburb, lat, lon, Exposure.Location, geometry,Status, Contact) %>% na.omit() %>% mutate(Status = ifelse(Status == "New", "New", "Previous")) %>% st_as_sf glimpse(dataJoin) # and NA # remove_missing(vars = c("Exposure.Location"))%>% # let's just look Melbourne plot1 <- ggplot(dataJoin,aes(y=lat, x=lon)) + ggspatial::annotation_map_tile() + geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry, fill = Status), col = c("red"), lty = 1, alpha =0.1)+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue")) + geom_point(data = dataJoin, aes(y=lat, x=lon, fill = Status,alpha = 0.7), size = 2 ) #+ # scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue","black", "white")) + # scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue","black", "white")) return(plot1) } #function end #lapply p1 <- last_five_days_new(dataList = "./data/last.csv") # dataList = "./data/allfiles/September/table_01_Sep_2021_136pm.csv" # lapply(dataList, last_five_days_new) p1 ``` Column {data-width=350} ------------------------------------------------------------ ### Table of new cases ```{r} # bscols( # filter_checkbox( # id = "contact", # label = "", # sharedData = df_shared, # group = ~Contact, # inline=TRUE # )) #bscols( filter_select(id="dates", label="Date",sharedData = df_shared, group=~Date)) dtt <-DT::datatable(df_shared, caption = 'Search for entries, (shift)click to select, this highlights the locations in the map.',selection = "multiple", rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons", "Select", "Responsive"), options = list(autoHideNavigation=FALSE, pageLength=50, dom = 'Bfrtip', select = TRUE, buttons = list( "copy", list( extend = "selectNone", text = "Clear" ) ), initComplete = JS( "function(settings, json) {", "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'font-size': '50%'});", "}"))) %>% DT::formatStyle(columns = 1:8, fontSize='70%') dtt ``` Cases, contacts and hotspots {data-orientation=columns} ===================================== Disclaimer: This work This map shows the covid exposure locations in the ACT and is an **unofficial website** based on [official sources]( So if in doubt, refer to the [offical website](, which has now also an [**official map**]( included. Supported by Volunteers from the University of Canberra. Contacts: Bernd Gruber [] & Anthony Davidson [] Column {data-width=400}{.tabset} ------------------------------------------------------------ ```{r eval = TRUE} # source("R/plotly_source_script.R") source("R/plotly_source_script.R") ``` ### Map of Exposure sites ```{r} # source("R/plotly_source_script.R") library(plotly) library(ggplotlyExtra) library(leaflet) leaflet(plotsumms) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircleMarkers(lat=plotsumms$lat, lng=plotsumms$lon, weight = 0.2, radius = log(plotsumms$contactcount)*20, popup = paste0(" COUNT:", plotsumms$contactcount), fillOpacity = 0.1, # color = plotsumms$colsN, color = "grey50" ) %>% addCircles(lat=tab4$lat,lng=tab4$lon, popup = paste0(plotsumms$Exposure.Location," ", plotsumms$Date), color = plotsumms$colsN, stroke = TRUE, fill = rep("black", length(plotsumms$colsN))) %>% addLegend("bottomright", labels = levels(plotsumms$Contact), colors = levels(plotsumms$colsN), opacity = 0.8) ``` This website tracks COVID-19 data and mobility information for the ACT and Canberra using code and data developed in the open source community. This information is only a guide. Please refer to official reports and press releases from government certified resources. ### Yesterdays case numbers ```{r eval = TRUE} ##current dataset.. #import now library(tidyverse) library(ggmap) library(leaflet) library(plotly) library(flexdashboard) library(DT) library(rgdal) library(crosstalk) library(absmapsdata) library(sf) ############very ugly function But should work..... #dataList is a list... ##ARD sep2021 last_five_days_new <- function(dataList){ #no new sites test tab3 <- read.csv(dataList) cols <- c( "red", "yellow","blue") tab3$Contact <- factor(tab3$Contact,levels=c( "Close" , "Casual", "Monitor") ) cc <- as.numeric( tab3$Contact) ncols <- c("black","cyan") nn <- as.numeric(factor(tab3$Status)) nn2 <- ifelse(nn==1,nn, 3) # glimpse(tab3) tab3$Date <- substr(tab3$Date,1,10) #ditch day of the week labs <- paste(tab3$Contact, tab3$Status,tab3$Exposure.Location, tab3$Street, tab3$Suburb, tab3$Date,tab3$Arrival.Time, tab3$Departure.Time, tab3$doubles, sep="
") dataJoin <- absmapsdata::sa12016 %>% filter(gcc_name_2016 == "Australian Capital Territory") %>% mutate(Suburb = sa2_name_2016) %>% left_join(tab3, by = c("Suburb")) %>% select(Suburb, lat, lon, Exposure.Location, geometry,Status, Contact) %>% na.omit() %>% mutate(Status = ifelse(Status == "New", "New", "Previous")) %>% st_as_sf glimpse(dataJoin) # and NA # remove_missing(vars = c("Exposure.Location"))%>% # let's just look Melbourne plot1 <- ggplot(dataJoin,aes(y=lat, x=lon)) + ggspatial::annotation_map_tile() + geom_sf(aes(geometry = geometry, fill = Status), col = c("red"), lty = 1, alpha =0.5)+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue")) + geom_point(data = dataJoin, aes(y=lat, x=lon), size = 4, alpha = 0.3) #+ # scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue","black", "white")) + # scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "yellow","blue","black", "white")) return(plot1) } #function end #lapply # p1 <- last_five_days_new(dataList = "./data/allfiles/September/table_01_Sep_2021_136pm.csv") # dataList = "./data/allfiles/September/table_01_Sep_2021_136pm.csv" # lapply(dataList, last_five_days_new) p1 ``` ### TODAY ```{r eval = FALSE} #lapply p1 <- last_five_days_new(dataList = "./data/allfiles/September/table_02_Sep_2021_704pm.csv") # dataList = "./data/allfiles/September/table_01_Sep_2021_136pm.csv" # lapply(dataList, last_five_days_new) p1 ``` ```{r child = "about.Rmd"} ``` Previous draft {data-orientation=columns} ===================================== ```{r child = "Covid_Exposure_ACT.rmd"} ```

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